Changing with the seasons

Hey Everyone, I hope your day has been well.

Although the new year was technically the start of January, I always feel like April is the proper start to the new year. April/spring feels more like the time when you want to make those changes, clear out the clutter and make way for new things. The flowers all start blooming, the days are longer and lighter and everyone is just much happier 😊

By the end of December and start of January people put so much pressure on themselves to set resolutions, become a different /evolved person but it’s still cold at this time and most people just want to stay at home and be wrapped up and cosy…

If you didn’t manage to stick to your new years resolutions, start again now! I’ve not long rearranged my furniture and packed away those thermals to make way for the lighter clothing items. Interestingly though, as I write this, it’s actually quite a gloomy, rainy day but we have to accept the balance of the weather.

Thanks for reading, A

Keeping warm in winter

Hey Everyone, I hope your day has been well. I’m writing this with a cosy blanket over my shoulders.

I thought it would be nice to post something different that I’m sure we can all relate to… the COLD winter! It even snowed recently, so I can only imagine how much colder it is going to get. I’ve recently moved and it feels much colder than where I was before. It could be because the building is older, I’m not really sure but I thought I’d share some handy tips to keeping warm this winter and maybe making a few (hopefully not too expensive) purchases that can minimise the cold inside.

Some tips below:

  • putting thick curtains up at the windows
  • using draft excluders
  • wrapping up in blankets
  • wearing thermal clothing or layering up
  • drinking hot drinks throughout the day
  • using hot water bottles
  • not covering/blocking heaters

There’s probably many more technical tips online but there’s a few to get you started. I know that if I’m in one place for too long, I start to feel the cold more so moving your body may help too, a little stretch or wonder around the house will keep the blood flowing.

What are you doing to keep warm this winter?

Thanks for reading, A.

Life lately

Hey Everyone, I hope your day has been well.

I hope your Sunday has been good so far. I went out for a walk and jog this morning which was a nice change and the came out which made the start of my day so much better. There’s just something about the warmth of the sun on your skin that just makes everything better. I took a little break from WP as I felt quite busy with my studies but now that I have a few weeks break I feel I can spend more time on the things I enjoy which is nice. I cook most days but don’t always feel like posting content as it can be a little time consuming but I realise I actually do miss writing up recipes and taking food photo’s so it’s important for me to have a balance. I was just thinking that sometimes, life can feel stressful whatever you are going through and it is easy to stop doing the things you enjoy and focus solely on that which is stressing you. However, making time for the things that you enjoy or keep you relaxed is much more important, even if only for a few minutes.

When you make an effort to be happy, your body will thank you and naturally you’ll feel good. Doing those things where you don’t have to pay too much attention and you can be relaxed during the process is important and after all, life is all about balance. Remember to fill you cup, so that you can do your best and give back to others.

A list of things to do below:

  • Create a blog post
  • Listen to music and dance around
  • Colour, draw or paint
  • Read a good book
  • Watch your favourite movie or show
  • Go for a walk in nature
  • Volunteer for a cause important to you
  • Spend quality time with family or friends
  • Listen to something that makes you laugh

Let me know what else do you do to fill your cup?

Thanks for reading, A

Walking up Snowdon

Hey Everyone, first day of the week and I hope its going well for you! It’s been quite dull and rainy today but the sun is finally coming out and brightening the day up a little bit.

I recently got the chance to climb up Snowdon mountain in Wales with some colleagues from work. We set out to meet at the minibus for 5.45 (very early for a non work day) ready for a 3 hour drive. We got there in time and set off walking right away, at the very beginning the path was so steep and my legs were already aching but I managed to do the whole thing on some very tricky terrain. It was much harder than expected and made me realise that I definitely don’t walk enough.

The views were phenomenal and breathtaking, when you live in the city you really don’t get to experience nature like this. Even if I go to the park, there’s nothing like walking up a mountain in the middle of nowhere surrounded by grass, sunshine, sheep (I think) and flies.

It was a very challenging walk, took many many hours but definitely something I would do again. Also, we got lucky with the weather, it was quite overcast with bits of sun shining through and wind blowing round which was the perfect combination.

Thanks for reading, A.

British Summer days at home

Hey Everyone, I hope your day has been well.

It’s been a little while since I’ve written a none food post, so here goes….

Today, I am currently sitting outside in the garden, enjoying the summer weather. There’s blue skies and the sun is keeping me warm, filling me with peace and positive feelings. If I close my eyes I could almost feel like I was at the beach as the breeze flows through the trees sounding like waves in the ocean. Now I just need something to replicate the sand. Birds are flying over head and tweeting away with the occasional chatter of the neighbours or people moving around in their garden. I can even smell beef burgers on a barbecue wafting over the fence making me feel very hungry. Oh, and the bumble bees, there’s so many of them flying all around collecting pollen from the lilac chive flowers then buzzing off. It’s pretty much light outside all day long and everyone is in a good mood! The weather is so lovely and I feel like I’ve got to make the most of it because once the seasons change, I know I’ll miss the warmth.

Sometimes it is nice to take a moment and just relax, be present and notice all that is around you. Since I’m working and studying, it seems like there is always something to do but it is important I remember to stop and take some time for myself to do nothing.

Have a good Sunday 🙂

Thanks for reading, A.